Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This platter was made from Zebrano also called Zebra Wood or Tiger Wood, again wood bought from Turners Retreat.

Fininsh is wax paste.


Spalted Beech

As I said I have now got the wood turning bug so the following pics are what I have completed so far. Spalted Beech, wood bought from http://www.turners-retreat.co.uk after a trip up there to see a demonstration.

This was the first bowl I did on my own lathe and after showing this to Gerry, he pointed out a few things where I could have improved it but also said that he knows turners who have been turning for 10 years and still don't produce something like this.

The bottom was finished with Finishing Oil which darkens the wood and the inside of the bowl was done with paste wax.

The black lines which give this unique pattern are caused by fungal attack in the wood shortly after the tree has been felled. Different types of fungi create a barrier between themselves and create this great marble effect.


Wood, Wood and More Wood

You may not have guessed this but if you are doing wood turning you need wood.

There are all sorts of resources.

So once I got the bug, I was searching round for any bit of wood I could (safely) put on the lathe.

This goblet was made from a bit of old fence post in my workshop. There was a dead knot in the wood which dropped out shortly after I had finished turning it. So it can only be used for your enemies.

You fill it with a cheap red wine (as they stain the best) while holding your finger over the hole. Then as they take it from you, you take your finger off the hole (making sure it is facing them of course)

Also from bits

Light Pull which graces our bathroom.

I have also made a walking stick (with captive ring) from pine for Psi provided by Psi
Twirling stick for one of Psi's mates, wood provided by Psi
Spinning top from scrap of pine



This is the first ever thing I made on the lathe after I bought it.

On the top is a hatch for access to the drive belts, this usually held in place just by a Allen Headed screw. I had read that other turners had added a handle to theirs, so copied.

Bit rough and ready but does the job great.



Here is a picture of my lathe.

It is a modified Record Power CL2 36. Modified in that it has had the motor changed to a 1hp Speed Genie variable speed.

Got this at what I think is a good price, as had a scroll chuck thrown in. To buy brand new you would have to pay about £800+ but I got it for half of that. One of the chaps at the wood turning club that Gerry belongs to had upgraded his machine and wanted the space in his garage.

The tools in the background are a standard set plus a recently purchased Big Brother for hollow turning (more of this later) and they are all made by Hamlet in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
